Sunday, October 30, 2011

All of Scotty's favorite things

I love this picture of all of us, but all the kids look so sad.  I love how they are all hugging each other.  That doesn't happen too often.

After Daddy passed away we had to take a drive in his mustang.  We went to Woodward Park to take a couple of pictures and to watch the ducks in the lake.  It was a great day.  We miss his so much and enjoy taking the mustang out for drives just to be reminded of him.  He is missed so much and we wish he was here.  I don't think I will be able to get rid of the mustang.  It was the car he would pick me up in for dates, It was his pride and joy.  He had great dreams for the car.  He wanted to make it a hot rod.  We didn't have the money to fulfill all his dreams in that car.  When Carson is sixteen he will drive it proudly. 

1 comment:

Loren said...

Oh, the sly boys and their cars!!! I'm glad you are able to take rides in the car and think of him. In fact...i'm sure he is right there with you!