Sunday, October 30, 2011

Daddy and his girl

We went to Morro bay in the beginning of August.  We really wanted to take the kids on the semi summersible boat ride around the bay so we could show them the fish and get to ride on a real boat.  We bought tickets for Mommy, Madison, and Carson.  We agreed that Jackson was too grumpy.  He was teething and super cranky this weekend.  When it came time to get on the boat Carson decided he was not getting on the boat.  Make that two grumpy kids.  Scott was going to stay with the boys but at the last minute I decided I would stay and let him spend time with his little girl, just the two of them.  He was able to show her all the different kinds of fish, they saw some sea lions, but mostly just got to spend time together.  I am so grateful that I let him go.  He was able to spend some very precious time with his princess, something she hasn't forgotten.  I was able to take the boys for a walk while they were out on their excursion, we found a really good bakery.  Mommy got to enjoy a chocolate chip cookie and a diet coke while Daddy and Maddy made some memories together.

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