Thursday, July 17, 2008

Madison has a new baby

Abby napping in Carson's crib.

helping her get in her chair to watch TV and eat a snack

feeding her cereal for snack.

Gaga and Papa came home yesterday from Utah and brought Madison a new baby. She has not been seperated from Abby the entire time. They slept together last night. This morning they watched Tigger and Pooh together. She has wanted binkies, bottles, and blankies for her baby. Last night we found the baby in the pac-n-play taking a nap. This morning I found her in her brother's crib with a binky and blankie. She wanted me to give her brother's bottle. They ate cereal together and right now the baby is playing with toys. She has never been this was with any baby before, but this one is cute and she loves it. She is such a little mommy it makes me laugh.

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