Sunday, July 20, 2008


Night one Auntie Jo with the kiddos

Carson looking all grown up. Put some socks or shoes on that kid.

Yum Yum scrambled eggs for breakfast

Madison LOVES her aunt Kristi. They have a bond that is unbreakable.

We did it! We took the kids camping. We went up to Shaver this weekend with Auntie Kristi, Uncle Matt, Auntie Jo, and Uncle Deren. We had so much fun just hanging around the camp and enjoying the fresh clean air. Carson hung out in his pac-n-play or in his stroller. Madison loved being up there and playing in the dirt, but especially playing with all her aunties and uncles. She loves the attention and trust me when I say she got enough attention. We ate all weekend and had fun just being away from home. Kids were great!! Thank goodness. It rained a little on us Sunday morning but not enough to tamper our weekend. We had fun and will definately go again next year.

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