Thursday, July 31, 2008

My litte Carson

I am so glad that we have one girl and one boy. I didn't think that I would enjoy having a boy but I love it. Carson is so much different from his sister. Here are some of the things I love about my baby boy:

  • He will laugh at almost anything. He is so happy all the time and he giggles all the time.

  • He loves to eat real food. Forget the baby food, that stuff is for babies.

  • He loves to play with wheels, any toy that has wheels he is attracted to (and guitars). Guess the car fascination is because it is in his name

  • He loves cell phones, the real working ones and only if they are opened up. He will SCREAM if the phones are not opened up.

  • He is such an easy baby. He is a heavenly sleeper and loves to sleep in his crib and put himself to bed, so easy!!

  • I love his hair and how it stands straight up. I need to give him a haircut but am too nervous I will mess it up.

  • He is so much fun just to hold and snuggle with. He loves giving kisses and talking "dadadada and nanananna are his two most common phrases. He will go on and on. His sissy helps him also by mimicking his language.

  • He is very independent and loves to play in his room with all of his toys.

  • He has such a cute little smile and shows us often how cute it is. Madison rarely smiled, she was always very serious. He is our party boy, loves to have fun.

  • We love our little angel and don't know what life would be like without our little boy. He is a sweetie and our little prince.

My litte Madison

My sister made a comment today about where has all the time gone, I have had time to think about it and realize that I love my life and all the blessing children bring to my life. I am so grateful for a loving family.
I love so many things Madison does. Here is a list of a few of my favorites:

  • She absolutely loves and adores her little brother, she loves to give him hugs and take care of him. Her favorite, my least favorite, is helping him eat. She loves to spoon feed him but boy do we make a mess.

  • She loves to play with her cousins and thinks she is so big. When her cousins are around forget it mom, I am playing with the girls.

  • She adores her aunt Kristi. When auntie is around she has to do everything she is doing, she loves to dig through her purse and find gum "bum" and makeup.

  • She is talking so much more now. She may not be the most clear in her speech but we know what she is saying. My favorite is when she says knife "wife". She is not talking in sentences yet but can talk about most anything. She loves to talk about the sun and the moon. At night if she can't find the moon she is concerned.

  • Her baby Abby is her best friend, they do everything together. She rocks her and tells her hush....... and puts her down for naps. She can't sleep without Abby.

  • She loves to give us bites "dites" and drinks "ginks" of her food. She loves to share. She loves to break off microscopic pieces of food and give to her brother.

  • She loves horses "neighs"

  • She loves to sit in the car and pretend drive "wive"

  • She loves anything artsy, especially sticking foam stickers on paper to make a picture. She hasn't been coloring so much these days, been so busy being home and playing with Mommy.

  • My little girl is growing up and doing so much now. She is so much fun to be around. I love watching her grow and develop her little personality. She sure makes us all happy.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Many new cousins

Well we are all very excited that Aunt Kristi and now Aunt Jo are going to be mommies. Their babies will be about a month apart and will be fun to see them be preggers together. CONGRATS to you both!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Night one Auntie Jo with the kiddos

Carson looking all grown up. Put some socks or shoes on that kid.

Yum Yum scrambled eggs for breakfast

Madison LOVES her aunt Kristi. They have a bond that is unbreakable.

We did it! We took the kids camping. We went up to Shaver this weekend with Auntie Kristi, Uncle Matt, Auntie Jo, and Uncle Deren. We had so much fun just hanging around the camp and enjoying the fresh clean air. Carson hung out in his pac-n-play or in his stroller. Madison loved being up there and playing in the dirt, but especially playing with all her aunties and uncles. She loves the attention and trust me when I say she got enough attention. We ate all weekend and had fun just being away from home. Kids were great!! Thank goodness. It rained a little on us Sunday morning but not enough to tamper our weekend. We had fun and will definately go again next year.

Fun at the Island

Joel with kool-aid all over his face

trying on Lily's butterfly towel

She's a sweetie

Enjoying the watermelon

We went to the Island Waterpark Thursday with Aunt Melanie, Emma, Joel and Lily. We were there for only four hours and that was plenty of time. Carson didn't seem to enjoy it very well. He had to wake up early from his nap and would not forgive us, plus the water was a little cold. Madison liked going on the water slides with Mommy and Auntie and playing with her cousins. I am loving being home for the summer. I love my kiddos more than life itself and enjoy every minute. This is a beautiful life.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Carson is so happy to get around his room and play with all his toys. He is becoming an independent little man. I can't believe he is already almost ten months old. He is such a happy baby. Madison loves to play in there with him making sure he plays with every toy in his room, what a mess to clean up!

Madison has a new baby

Abby napping in Carson's crib.

helping her get in her chair to watch TV and eat a snack

feeding her cereal for snack.

Gaga and Papa came home yesterday from Utah and brought Madison a new baby. She has not been seperated from Abby the entire time. They slept together last night. This morning they watched Tigger and Pooh together. She has wanted binkies, bottles, and blankies for her baby. Last night we found the baby in the pac-n-play taking a nap. This morning I found her in her brother's crib with a binky and blankie. She wanted me to give her brother's bottle. They ate cereal together and right now the baby is playing with toys. She has never been this was with any baby before, but this one is cute and she loves it. She is such a little mommy it makes me laugh.

They definately love each other

I was making breakfast this morning when Carson and his big sis were in his room playing with all his toys. I walked in and she was teaching him how to use the ball popper. I am so grateful that she is so loving with her little "bubba". They love each other and that gives me a sense of peace knowing they aren't beating each other up. I am sure that will come in the future, but for now we are friends. They sure have a cute bond.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Beach part 2

Having fun with Mema in the sand.

Cutie pie!!

Definately having fun with the sand.

I spent the weekend with the girls. We went to Cambria with my aunt, sister, cousins, and my brother's girlfriend. We played all day at Avila Beach and the weather was beautiful. Sunday we spent the day at Pismo having fun and enjoying the weather. Kids had a good time being around everyone who adores them. After 4 days gone playing I was ready to come home and just relax.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pismo Beach

Carson's first taste of Splash Cafe's sourdough bread Yum Yum
My favorite restaurant!!
too cute!
He was happy as long as he had a graham cracker. Bought a new box tonight.
Madison very busy msking cakes

We took an impromptu trip to Pismo beach Thursday afternoon coming home Friday afternoon. We had a very long drive there but it was well worth the drive. The weather was beautiful and the kids had fun at the beach. We walked the beach Thursday after a yummy dinner at Splash Cafe. Friday we spent all day out on the pismo dunes riding mommy's quad and making sand castles or as madison calls them, "cakes". Carson was a cutie when he wasn't crying. He wasn't the happiest boy but was cute anyways. We had fun in the sixty degree weather. Wasn't ready to come home to the HOT HOT valley. Saturday I turn around and go back to the beach for a girl's trip. We are going to Avila and Cambria. I am not looking forward to leaving my hubby behind but am looking forward to going and spending some time with the girls.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

happy 4th ouf July

We spent our 4th ouf July at my cousin Audrey's wedding. Madison had so much fun because they have horses and mules and she got to get up close and personal with them. She loved to pick up hay and give to mommy to feed them. She wouldn't pet them but loved to look at them and talk about them. Carson loved the horses as well and wanted to touch them. My uncle Scott is so good with both kids and loved being there to get his "fix" of Sly children. I first told myself that she could not do sparklers becuase they were too "dangerous" but I gave in when I saw her Daddy showing her what to do. Daddy and Uncle Scott did sparklers with her while Carson slept. The 4th was great, we had a great time as family watching fireworks and just sitting back and relaxing.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Madison is in her big girl bed

Madison's crib was recalled and she has been having a real hard time sleeping on her own so we transitioned her to a big girl bed. Her cousins, Emma and Lily gave her their old bed. The bed is an antique and is Madison's great great great grandma's bed (I think, not sure ) Madison loves her new bed. Last night I slept with her so she didn't roll off the bed. We set up her new linens and her bed rail today so tonight will hopefully be the beginning of her sleeping in her bed ALONE!!