Monday, March 31, 2008

She loves her auntie!!

Madison is absolutely crazy about her Auntie Kristi. She loves being around her and looking at pictures of her and Uncle Matt. She loves sitting with her, playing with her hair, playing with her makeup, running around putting her chapstick on, and just being around her. Lately when it is time for Kristi to leave, or for us to leave she cries for her auntie. Often if we are all together and Madison is tired, gets hurt, or is not feeling well she will call for Auntie (yes that is what she calls her) over her Mommy. I think it is wonderful that they have such a cute relationship, makes me feel good that when she grows up she will have that special bond. What better person than with my sister. Kristi is crazy about Madison (and Carson) as well. She can't go all week without seeing the kids, she often calls just to see how the kids are doing and needs to get her kid fix so she comes by to visit. Auntie we love you!


K.C. said...

I was browsing through the blogs and saw these pictures and they were just so touching. I have a neice and nephew that I am that close with. I just eat them up. Just wanted to let you know that you made me smile tonight. Never get tired of hugging on those babies! K.C.

Loren said...

such cute pictures!! wish we lived closer so she could love her Auntie Lisa too!!!! makes me sad sometimes! can't wait to see you guys!