Sunday, March 16, 2008

She just wants to help

Madison has always loved to take baths but recently she has been obsessed with washing her hands with soap. In November we went to Cambria for the weekend, that was when this all really started. I can thank my sister for that. Kristi was entertaining Madison and decided to let her wash her hands in the sink. Thirty minutes later she is still playing and is completely covered in water. Since then, everytime she sees Auntie Kristi she wants to wash her hands in the sink. Today I was trying to clean paint up off her so we washed her hands in the kitchen sink. What I thought would take 1 to 2 mintues turned into her washing her hands for about 10 minutes with soap, then she told me she wanted to "help" she started rinsing out and moving the dishes around the sink. How can I tell her no when she just wants to "help". She is so much fun. By covering herself and my kitchen floor in water she was learning how to do the dishes.

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