Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year!!

2010 will bring many adventures for our family. There are many things that I need to focus on for the new year. Here are my goals for 2010:

**Get back into going to church. It is such a hassle with three small kids and my hubby doesn't want to accompany me so that makes it harder. When I am there I feel good, but getting there and getting through the sacrament meeting sometimes seems impossible.
**Read my scriptures
**Start cooking a lot more and eating out a lot less
**Read to my kids individually daily (something that we forget to do becuase we are so busy) before bed
**LOSE WEIGHT. I know this is everyone's resolution but I am going to do it.
**Keep the house picked up (Maybe hubby will let me get a house cleaner)
**Be more positive

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