Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All I have?

As I sit here, bored at the computer I reflect on what I have. I have been complaining a lot about all of the work I have to do and need to try to start being more positive. I don't smile enough or laugh enough and I know that I need to change that.

  • I have a wonderful husband who loves us with all his heart, even if he doesn't say it enough.
  • I have three wonderful children who brighten our world and make life worth living. I have a beautiful daughter who LOVES her Mommy and loves to do everything I do. I have two beautiful sons who love each other and are good boys. Carson is so smart and Jackson is just too much fun. He is the best baby, never a peep!
  • I have a great job that allows me to touch children's hearts and give them the ultimate gift, the gift of learning (I just wish more of their parents would give them that gift as well).
  • I have a home to live in. And although I complain because the kids make tooo many messes and there is always work to be done I love being here, even if I tell you different.
  • I have so much in my life to be grateful for. I know that I need to slow down and have fun with my kids while they still want to play with me. The messes can always wait, there will always be dishes to wash, clothes to fold, floors to sweep and mop, toys to be put away and clutter to put away.
  • I love my life!

Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year!!

2010 will bring many adventures for our family. There are many things that I need to focus on for the new year. Here are my goals for 2010:

**Get back into going to church. It is such a hassle with three small kids and my hubby doesn't want to accompany me so that makes it harder. When I am there I feel good, but getting there and getting through the sacrament meeting sometimes seems impossible.
**Read my scriptures
**Start cooking a lot more and eating out a lot less
**Read to my kids individually daily (something that we forget to do becuase we are so busy) before bed
**LOSE WEIGHT. I know this is everyone's resolution but I am going to do it.
**Keep the house picked up (Maybe hubby will let me get a house cleaner)
**Be more positive