Monday, October 26, 2009

So Proud!!

Tonight marks the third night that Carson has gone to sleep without coming out of his bed to come visit us. We decided that he needed to transfer to his twin bed so Jackson could use the crib and it was going horribly until my wonderful husband suggested that we make the crib a toddler bed and let him sleep there for a couple of weeks then let him sleep in his twin bed. At first I thought I would have another Madison, the first two night he kept coming out saying "me get out!!" so Scott would go in and lay with him in his twin bed until he went to sleep. He has laid down now on his own and has not come out of his bed. Scott threatened that if he came out that he could not sleep with his Thomas train and he must have believed us because he is sound asleep without even attempting to come out. I am so proud of my little boy, he has big shoes to fill to grow up so fast so that Jackson can be the baby. Jackson has been sleeping through the night now for about 6 weeks so it is time he get used to the crib. My boys are both growing up so fast, makes me a little sad but happy that they are all doing so well. Now if Madi would go to bed alone and in her own bed at bedtime life would be great. So proud of my little Carson!!

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