Sunday, September 21, 2008

Clovis Fest Balloons

Yesterday we went to watch the hot air balloons launch in Clovis. It is so neat to see them up close and all they have to do to get ready to launch. Yes, we had to wake up at the crack of dawn but was fun to watch. We went last year (the morning that Carson was born, yes I was in labor walking around looking at hot air balloons, I never relax!!) and think we have found a new tradition. We met cousins there and all had fun. When we were all done we went to our favorite breakfast restaurant for yum yum breakfast.

1 comment:

Loren said...

i miss going to see the balloons - that was always fun. I know my kids would love it,maybe sometime we will have to come down for it. My kids are all sick right now - including the baby so just pray that we get better and can come next weekend!!!