Monday, August 11, 2008

Bedtime battles

Well Madison was doing so well going to sleep in her big bed but this week has been horibble. She will not sleep or nap for mommy or daddy. Sunday night she was in bed at 11:30 and tonight it was 10:30. We start settling down into our nighttime routine about 8:30 or so and has been aweful getting our little angel to sleep. Tonight I had so much going on getting ready for school that Scott tried to put her to sleep but she screamed for 30 minutes. Then I took over. After an hour of trying to get her to lay down and stop playing around on her bed I put her in the car and we went for a 30 minute drive (It has been probably 2 years since we pulled that move, but hey it worked and she fell asleep.) I love my daughter dearly but I was not a happy camper tonight. I think we will try not napping tomorrow so she will be ready for bed at 8. I want our kids in bed by 8 because I have to wake them up at 5:45 so I can go to work. I am hoping that our sleeping troubles only get better. Carson on the other hand is the easiest baby to put to sleep, all I have to do is lay him down and he sleeps, never throwing a fit or crying because he wants out of bed. Madison does that enough for the both of them. I love my kiddos so much but the only time I get housework or schoolwork done is when they are in bed and lately I haven't been getting much done at all.

1 comment:

Loren said...

WE are definitely no experts on bed time routines as we have our own struggles. Maybe Madison is just having a hard time since you are back to work. Loren is great now in her crib but Grant is still a nightmare at bedtime. I know what you mean about wanting to get stuff done but instead having to put kids to bed for HOURS!!!! Feeling your pain!!! HOpe it gets better soon!