Sunday, June 1, 2008

Potty Training

We have been trying to potty train Madison for a couple months or so. She did very well at first then decided she didn't like her potty. Now she has been using her potty chair and seems to love it. Madison has been such a good potty trainer. It has been 1 week with consistency going poo-poo in the potty and has been doing very well with pee-pee. She tells us when she has to go and is such a champ. The key is telling us before she is going and not while. When she goes potty, she tells her Mommy... I go. I love that she is doing this on her own. She has gone into the bathroom on her own and sat on the potty chair, went potty, then dumped it in the toilet and flushed it on her own, then told me.. DONE! Potty training is not easy but something I am trying to do consisitently. I think it helps that she gets to do her sticker chart and once it is full she yells for i-meam (ice-cream). We love her and hope that she will get to wear her new undies soon. My goal --- before I go back to work panties all the time unless she is sleeping.

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