Madison is absolutely crazy about her Auntie Kristi. She loves being around her and looking at pictures of her and Uncle Matt. She loves sitting with her, playing with her hair, playing with her makeup, running around putting her chapstick on, and just being around her. Lately when it is time for Kristi to leave, or for us to leave she cries for her auntie. Often if we are all together and Madison is tired, gets hurt, or is not feeling well she will call for Auntie (yes that is what she calls her) over her Mommy. I think it is wonderful that they have such a cute relationship, makes me feel good that when she grows up she will have that special bond. What better person than with my sister. Kristi is crazy about Madison (and Carson) as well. She can't go all week without seeing the kids, she often calls just to see how the kids are doing and needs to get her kid fix so she comes by to visit. Auntie we love you!
About Me
- stephaniesly
- We have lost our best friend and our Daddy so quickly. We miss him so much. We want to be able to share with him the fun things that we are doing here on Earth.
Monday, March 31, 2008
A wonderful six months
Carson had his 6 month well babycheck-up today. I can not believe that he is already six months. He weighs 16 pounds and 1 oz. and is 26 1/4 inches long. His dr. said he is doing very well. I love my family and Carson adds so much character to our family. He has such a cute little boy with a wonderful personality. He loves to laugh and scream for no known reason. He loves to play with anything he can get his hands on. Today Grandma named him Mr. Nodoze becuase he decided that sleeping was not going to be part of his day. He managed to go all day long without even a short little nap. I have realized that Carson is not a little baby anymore. He is turning into a little man. My life feels complete being a mother to a wonderful daughter and a wonderful little boy. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for bringing my children to me.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
We had a good Easter. We went to church in the morning and thankfully Scott was able to be there with us. We went to my Aunt Susie and Uncle Darryls for lunch. Madison was not feeling well the entire day, but did well and was a trooper. As soon as we got to Grandma and Grandpa Sly's house she came down with a fever so she spent most of the afternoon in bed. She missed out on the easter egg hunt because she was taking a much needed nap. On our way home Madison's fever spiked at 104 and she was vomiting all over the car so we decided to turn around and take her to the hospital. Madison has always had trouble with fevers, nothing seems to keep them down. Thankfully this event did not end in a seizure like in the past. We spent a couple hours in the Emergency room then decided to just go home becuase although she had a fever she was feeling much better. Our Easter was not very exciting but it was great to spend time with family.
We had such a blast in Disneyland. I had so much fun watching Madison have fun. She kept hopping around saying "me happy me happy" she loved all of the rides and just being there. She was a trooper. I know she was exhausted but kept asking for more so we stayed until they closed and she was still asking for "more." Carson was a trooper. I was not sure how easy or hard it would be with a 2 year old and a 6 month old but the good outweighed the bad. The only time we had trouble was when we would sit down to eat Carson would throw a protest. He wanted to eat and milk was not cutting it. We had a good vacation and are blessed that we were able to go.
Monday, March 17, 2008
No more bottles
Well it is official, we have oficially taken away Madison's bottle. For any of you that knows Madison you know it was difficult. She was a milk addict at night time (I know don't tell my dentist) and nap time. It was the only way to get her to go to sleep on her own without being rocked to sleep. She has been okay with it. Tonight she asked for a baba and I told her she could have milk in a cup and that was fine before bed. I have noticed that at night before I lay her down I say a prayer and the nights that I remember to pray with her she does not cry when it is time to go to bed. If I forget to pray with her she cries for ten minutes before falling asleep. I should have done it earlier but we are not going back. It is silly to have a bottle after you are 2 years old. Madison we are happy you are willing to give it up, It is about time
Sunday, March 16, 2008
She just wants to help
Madison has always loved to take baths but recently she has been obsessed with washing her hands with soap. In November we went to Cambria for the weekend, that was when this all really started. I can thank my sister for that. Kristi was entertaining Madison and decided to let her wash her hands in the sink. Thirty minutes later she is still playing and is completely covered in water. Since then, everytime she sees Auntie Kristi she wants to wash her hands in the sink. Today I was trying to clean paint up off her so we washed her hands in the kitchen sink. What I thought would take 1 to 2 mintues turned into her washing her hands for about 10 minutes with soap, then she told me she wanted to "help" she started rinsing out and moving the dishes around the sink. How can I tell her no when she just wants to "help". She is so much fun. By covering herself and my kitchen floor in water she was learning how to do the dishes.
The Bond
Madison's art obsessions
Lately I have noticed that Madison is obsessed with just a few items. She LOVES anything artsy. She loves to draw, color, paint, fingerpaint, lay-dough (what she calls Playdough), magna doodle, sidewalk chalk. Just over this past week she has developed a new game. She gets a piece of paper and a pen (must be a pen, not a crayon or pencil) and wants me to tell her what to draw or write. She will continue for as long as I let her. She wants to pretend she is writing everyones name in her family, yes lisa she now calls you "auntie", she will write every animal she knows, every color, food item, object I might see she wants me to tell her to write it down. She repeats the word then scribbles something down then tells me the word again when she is done. Don't worry if I forget what she is drawing she will tell me. This can get tiresome for me and honestly I feel like I run out of things for her to write. Since she has been playing this game her vocabulary has improved and she is talking more. She loves art and it keeps her busy. She is very proud of her "work" and wants to show it all off. Today she painted 4 pictures and when Daddy came home from work she was so excited to show him. Later in the evening she was telling me who she was going to give each one to. I love that she is creative!
Why I want to blog
So tonight as we are watching home movies of Madison's first year I realize something.... the only memories I have of her first year are the pictures and movies that I have saved. I have already forgotten about all the cute things she used to do, crinkle up her nose, her first words "Melmo," for Elmo, what she loved to eat, and so on. I am saddened that I did not keep a journal of the cute things she used to do. Now that Madison is 2 and Carson is almost 6 months I am noticing all the cute things they are doing, but of course I do not find myself writng them down anywhere. So here is my attempt to try to capture cute memories of what my children love to do and the cute things they say. Enjoy!
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