Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Madison

Madison's Third Birthday

Madison "2"

Madison "1"

three months

brand new

Where has the time gone? I can not believe just how grown up my daughter has become. She has grown so much this year. I keep asking myself "Where did my baby girl go? When did Madison become a 'big kid'? The last four years have been wonderful. I love my daughter more than anything in the world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She brightens our world and I thank Heavenly Father that he sent her here . I love her for so many reasons. I love her expressions, she is so exaggerated with her movements and facial expressions, She squishes up her nose when she is laughing, she likes to be "petted" to sleep (rub her back, I can thank her preschool teacher for that one!), She loves to do grown up activities and is content to sit at the table with a stack of paper, gluestick, markers and scissors and do "arts and crafts" as she calls them. I love that she goes to school and has a blast and is learning so much. She talks about her friends she has made at school. I love that she is Mommy's girl and loves to copy everything I do. She loves to have her "friends" over (aka Lily and Joel) for sleepovers and to play. Here are some of the cute things she is doing or has said recently.

*We were driving home from Preschool on Thursday and Madison tells me that her pizza box (They went on a field trip to Round Table) has a "P" on it just like "Grandpa", "Patricia" "Puppy" and "Pepperoni do. This was the first time that she has ever just started naming off words that have a specific sound. She is too smart.

*Last weekend my Aunt Sandy was here and Sandy was telling her that she needs to help Mommy clean up her room and she said with sarcasm and energy in her voice "I am in preschool, not kindergarten!" I guess she will start picking up her messes in Kindergarten, Mommy Can't wait.

*She does not want to wear pajamas to sleep at night, she puts on her "comfies" aka sweat pants and tshirt and goes to bed, just like her Mommy! I guess she is too old for PJs. She wants to get herself dressed and Mommy thinks that is great, not always matching but clothed is good for me.
We have come a long way in four years. She came into this world a teeny little thing. Mommy can't help but to think about how grateful we are that she has grown and done so well. Looking at her now you would have never guessed she was a premature four pound baby just four years ago. She will always be my baby.
Happy Birthday to my big girl, enjoy your day and have a blast! Mommy loves you