Wednesday, March 25, 2009

She can do it

For the last two nights Madison has gone to sleep without a fight. She just lays right down and eventually falls asleep. She likes to read books. I was so proud of her. Monday night we put her to bed, she came out once then we told her it was time for bed. She tried sneaking out two times. The first time she came down the hall and saw me, then turned around and ran to her room. About twenty minutes later she came out saw me and ran the opposite direction to my room. I was convinced that she was sneaking in bed with Daddy. I went in there thirty minutes later to transplant her in her bed and she wasn't there. I asked Scott where she was and he said she wasn't in there. I never saw her run back down the hall. I went into her room and she was asleep in her bed. She had gone in to use the restroom then went back to bed like a big girl. I am so proud of my little, or should I say, big girl. She can do it, I just have to expect it and believe it. We will be having fun in the sun at Storyland on Saturday.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our big girl

As many of you know, or now will know, getting Madison to sleep in her own bed is a nightmare. She wants to sleep with mommy and daddy and honestly some night we just let her due to sheer exhaustion. Well I decided last Thursday night (with legs in my preggo belly and being scooted off the bed) would be the last night she slept in our bed. We made a sticker chart together and when she fills it up (only six nights) she will earn a trip to Storyland and Playland. The trick is for her to fall asleep on her own without us laying down next to her (The hard part). Friday night she came out of her room four times, then finally went to sleep. Saturday she laid down and took a nap on her own and went to sleep on her own Saturday night only coming out of her room one time. Last night was aweful. She was in bed at 8:00 and finally fell asleep at 10:30. She just kept screaming and crying for Mommy and as hard as it is I just picked her up and put her back in bed without talking to her. Finally after about 30-40 trips she fell asleep. I was exhausted and wanted to sleep early but stayed up to make sure she got to sleep peacefully. The funny thing about all of this is how she likes to sleep when she is alone. She starts out at the head of the bed and burrows herself underneath the blankets to the foot of the bed being completely underneath all covers. Guess she feels secure this way. I have to go in and dig her out of the bed and rearrange the blankets so she can breathe once she falls asleep. This week I realized that I am raising a three year old not a baby who needs to be rocked to sleep or have someone sleep with her. It has been tough but I am being strict and not allowing her to come in our bed anymore (unless she gets sick down the road or has a nightmare). Wish us luck the rest of the week and hope that she gets used to this soon so she goes to bed quickly and without tears.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bday party

We had Madison's party last Sunday, this took a week to post but we have been very busy. We changed her party plans and had her party at McDonalds due to rainy weather and everyone had a blast. It was nice because the little kids could play and couldn't escape. For the money I would say a very good birthday.

Little Miss Manicure

Last week on Madison's bday we took her to get a manicure and she did very well. She sat very still and was so relaxed she almost fell asleep. After our Manicure we went to the candy store and then to have pizza. She is such a big girl and we are enjoying this stage very much.

It's a .......

We went for our 20 week ultrasound on Friday evening and we are going to be welcoming home a little boy in July. We are excited that Carson will have a buddy to play with. I was a little disappointed because I wanted another princess but am grateful that we will have our boys closer in age. Now if we can just think of a name. So far we like Cameron, Tyson, or Jackson. (notice the son or on at the end)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bubba Lou Marvin Oscar the grouch

Madison has officially given her brother a new name and yes they all go together. There is one variety, sometime she calls him Bubba lou Marvin Bubble gum. Can you tell which is the good mood name and which one is for the grumpy mood.