Saturday, April 12, 2008

Too cute

I was so touched today to see that on the drive home Carson fell asleep in his carseat and Madison was sitting right next to him in the truck. She rode all the way home with her hand on his chest. She was just watching him sleep. It was too cute. She adores her "bubba." When we arrived home we tried to put Madison to bed which we all know has been a struggle this week, she is in need of a bottle and we are not giving in to her. She screamed for about five minutes so I went in there and tried to comfort her. I asked her if she wanted to sleep in Mommy's bed and she said "No, Bubba's" I thought she was joking so I laid her in his crib (No he was not in there, he was asleep in the carseat) and she fell asleep. She didn't cry, just laid down and fell asleep. I went in to check on her and she was sound asleep clutching his little doggy. It was so cute that she wanted to sleep in Bubba's bed. She loves her brother. I am blessed to have children who love each other so much. I love my life!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

She is too cute!

The funniest thing happened yesterday. Madison was supposed to be taking a nap but was of course protesting because we will not give her a bottle. She was at Grandma's house in her pac-n-play and Grandma went in to check on her after screaming and saw a cute little naked girl holding up a diaper, saying "Gaga, peepee" She had stripped her clothes and took off her diaper. I guess she thought if she was naked she would have to get out of bed and maybe find some milk along the way. Good try honey. Madison is just too much fun, we love the little things she does to get a rise out of us.